Annuncio n° 86/2016
Data: 30/11/2016
Services to start–up companies
IT & Programmer Assistants,
Creative Assistant
Sede di lavoro:
The Winning Box - LONDON
Requisiti e competenze:
Titolo di studio attinente ai profili
Competenze linguistiche: inglese A2
Tirocinio Garanzia Giovani - Misura 5B
The Winning Box is a company which offers a wide range of services to start–up companies. We provide serviced offices, marketing and creative services, IT and finance assistance.
The main available positions are:
- IT & Programmer Assistants: The IT department looks after the management of computers, internet connections and software across the departments. The IT staff make sure that all the computers have access to the great amount of data, as well as checking, updating and repairing programmes and systems. Additionally, the department in charge of website updates and of its Search Engine Optimisation Management.
- Creative Assistant: Our Creative Department manages the layout of the websites (graphic display, content, etc.), of our software and of all the documents that the BIS constantly use with clients and supplier
visite the site: http://www.thewinningbox.com/
Il presente annuncio è rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91, e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi 215/03 e 216/03