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Annuncio n° 03/2016

Data: 24/10/2016
operatore sociale
Sede di lavoro: 
TDM 2000 MALTA - sede di NAXXAR
Requisiti e competenze: 
characteristics trainees's: responsible, motivated, sociable. Areas of internship: Activities will be of formal and non formal nature. organizing, promoting and implementing activities
Tirocinio Garanzia Giovani - Misura 5B

Youth organisation which organizes activities of formal and non formal nature. Main goal is to increase youth active participation in society on a local and international level. We organize exchanges, training courses, fund raising activities for lesser opportunity youth. Voluntary work with lesser opportunity youth and other charitable institutions, group building activities and career based placements. All work within organisation is voluntary and the organisation is recognized by the university of malta senate. Members are university students or young persons aged over 18. We have 2 offices; at university and in Naxxar (central Malta) Know how to communicate in English. Interested to learn about Malta and the organisation. Ready to integrate with a young energetic team. Be able to travel with TDM in exchanges and international events. visite the site:

Il presente annuncio è rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91, e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi 215/03 e 216/03